
04/22/2013 Introducing

My first post will be something I said to myself today, some knowledge I’ll share with y’all :


Sometimes the universe will repeat a similar event, in hopes that you’ll learn from it, some of us learn the first time it happens, some of us learn the billionth time it happens. What’s important is we LEARN from it even if we learn piece by piece. With getting my new blog started, I had a plan, but like most things in life things don’t go as planned. But for the billionth time this has happened to me, I finally learn and realize not to depend on others when it comes to something you’re very serious and passionate about. Always depend on self, now I hope you’re not getting a negative vibe from my insight , it’s totally positive and I’m actually happy, because I’ve finally learned this valuable life lesson. I hope my little blur was insightful and somewhat inspiring. Now let’s get to what makes this world go round. At least my world. 🙂


